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The Panoscan system in Mexico.

The panoramas on this page were all shot with the Panoscan system –a high resolution rotating scanner with a tri-linear CCD.

The Panoscan MK1 was a breakthrough in ultra high resolution panoramic capture.

Multiple exposures, with the same camera set up, could be composited perfectly because each 360 capture was one file.

Often, there was a need to expose for the sky, expose for the rest of the scene and composite the two.


In San Miguel de Allende, this hotel patio inspired experimentation with tone and color.


Two exposures on two days in Guanajuato, Mexico. One day to shoot the foreground and one day to shoot the sky which was more interesting the second day. The Panoscan was set at its highest resolution, the capture was cropped substantially.
Zoom in for interesting detail.


A house exterior inspired by the Hawaii-style "Lanai". This panorama and the one above were made for a client who wanted navigable panoramas, both web-based and on CD-ROM, as sales material.


Interior of a house in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
The large evenly lit room had ideal photographic conditions. This panorama and the one just below were made to promote this property for sale.

The Panoscan system in Mexico.

The panoramas on this page were all shot with the Panoscan system –a high resolution rotating scanner with a tri-linear CCD.

The Panoscan MK1 was a breakthrough in ultra high resolution panoramic capture.

Multiple exposures, with the same camera set up, could be composited perfectly because each 360 capture was one file.

Often, there was a need to expose for the sky, expose for the rest of the scene and composite the two.

file name: de-allende-interior

Interior of a house in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

The large evenly lit room had ideal photographic conditions.

This panorama and the one just below were made to promote this property for sale.

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file name: de-allende-exterior

A house exterior inspired by the Hawaii-style "Lanai". This panorama and the one above were made for a client who wanted  navigable panoramas, both web-based and on CD-ROM, as sales material.

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file name: pipula-180-flat

Two exposures on two days in Guanajuato, Mexico. One day to shoot the foreground and one day to shoot the sky which was more interesting the second day. The Panoscan was set at its highest resolution, the capture was cropped substantially.

Zoom in for interesting detail.

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file name:


In San Miguel de Allende, this hotel patio inspired experimentation with tone and color.

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