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Among the first navigable panoramic photographs. The two panoramas. on this page were shot with film because digital cameras were not commonly available. Negative film was better to use for panoramic photos because it could capture more dynamic range than transparency film. The film was scanned with the Kodak PCD system. Those digital images were stitched with the newly available Apple QuickTime VR Authoring Studio –a command line tool offered to the world by Apple Computer. This was the way to make navigable panoramas in 1997.


This QuickTime VR proved the value of this technology as a way to view a remote location. Shot on Fugi negative film in a 35mm camera mounted on the first Kaidan panoramic head. Electronic flash was bounced off the ceiling for each frame.


The ruins of a Native American habitation in Utah. This location was seen on day 4 of a six day pack trip.
The scene was shot handheld with a 35 mm camera using Fuji negative film.
This is a partial panorama meaning the movements left and right are constrain

Among the first navigable panoramic photographs. The two panoramas. on this page were shot with film because digital cameras were not commonly available. Negative film was better to use for panoramic photos because it could capture more dynamic range than transparency film. The film was scanned with the Kodak PCD system. Those digital images were stitched with the newly available Apple QuickTime VR Authoring Studio –a command line tool offered to the world by Apple Computer. This was the way to make navigable panoramas in 1997.


file name: ruins

The ruins of a Native American habitation in Utah. This location was seen on day 4 of a six day pack trip. 

The scene was shot handheld with a 35 mm camera using Fuji negative film.

This is a partial panorama meaning the movements left and right are constrained.


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filename: aptflash

This QuickTime VR proved the value of this technology as a way to view a remote location. Shot on Fugi negative film in a 35mm camera mounted on the first Kaidan panoramic head. Electronic flash was bounced off the ceiling for each frame.

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